A seemingly random selection of sites that held my attention enough to bookmark them during my many meandering forays of the vast and life-consuming black hole that is the Internet... I may have to add to this and maybe make this a ongoing thing...
(Fine print: These are sites I genuinely like - I don't get anything for pointing them out to you and I seriously doubt any of them are even aware that I'm telling you about them.)
New - TinyBuddah - Simple daily wisdom and inspiration to bring a moment of peace to crazy lives. I highly recommend signing up for the email delivery.
New - Complete guide to Home Canning - A skill everyone should learn/have is SAFELY preserving your own food stuff - One of those vital life skills you'll be glad to have in the event of a zombie apocalypse - Or any other kind of apocalypse.
New - Couch to 5K in 9 Weeks - "C25K, is a fantastic program that's been designed to get just about anyone from the couch to running 5 kilometers or 30 minutes in just 9 weeks." - Something I keep meaning to do...
New - Tipnut - LOVE this site! TONS of DIY, Crafts, Lists and more!
New - Square - Accept credit cards with your smarty pants device - I can't say enough good things about this - Increase your sales exponentially with the ability to accept credit cards anywhere you get phone service!
New - Woot! - The original Deal of the Day site - Stupidly amazing deals for one day only - And when you order something (and at some point you will) You can say, "I wooted!" You get to say it again when your package arrives and it's almost as much fun as the dance you'll do about the crazy great deal - Keep an eye out for the bag of crap - It's almost always fun crap. There are also other 'family' sites like Kids.woot and wine.woot and others which are shown on Woots main page.
New - Make & Takes - A fun idea place with craft ideas, DIY's and Family/Kid friendly craft ideas.
New - At Home Spa Treatments - HUGE list of stuff you can make at home for a super fun spa day!
New - Global Unlock - For unlocking cell phones so they work with YOUR carrier - I was dubious of all the scam sites and jerks who would take the money and not help you unlock your spiffy phone - These guys are legit and did the job so I got a spiffy high dollar gadget phone for under $30.
DIY Planner - This site with all it's free templates ROCKS!
Project BudBurst - Citizen Scientists gathering really important ecological data - find out how you can help.
Top Secret America - An amazing expose article, 3 years in the making, which highlights the grotesque spending and redundancies of the Juggernaut that our Federal Government has become.
NOAA - The US National Weather Service - Don't leave home without it!
Just the Facts - "A resource for independent thinkers" - File under I-read-it-online-so-it-must-be-true...
Mouse Print - A great blood pressure heightening site featuring years worth of exposing the fine print in all those seemingly great deals...
Happy, helpful bargains, tips and other saving tidbits here
Industrial Masonry Mud Pans - The plastic ones make great soap loaf molds! They come in varying lengths and the plastic pans are heavy duty enough to withstand temps up to around 160 degrees F so Cold Process and Melt & Pour aren't an issue. From $2 - $6 at your local Lowes/Home Depot
Industrial Masonry Mud Pans - The plastic ones make great soap loaf molds! They come in varying lengths and the plastic pans are heavy duty enough to withstand temps up to around 160 degrees F so Cold Process and Melt & Pour aren't an issue. From $2 - $6 at your local Lowes/Home Depot
The metal ones work great for hot process and also make great bread and cake molds - @ $9 - $18. (You can learn from my experience and make sure you file down or remove the sharp metal sides!)
Other great molds that'll cost you $5 or less:
These little cartons are great - Especially since you get to drink the Chai first. Num! @$3
My son has largely grown out of his allergy to milk, so Chocolate and Very Vanilla soy isn't as much of a staple as it used to be in our house, but the containers work great for small loaves. @$3
Always a great standby for low temp soaps - Small food containers make great molds - Pkg of 5 or so $3
Good old PVC - $4 for @ Yd/Meter
Rubbing alcohol and Hydrogen Peroxide often come in these round bottles - again for lower temp soaps - Cut off the top, fill, then cut off the bottom to release - Use it again by putting a freezer baggie or foil around the bottom and securing tightly with a rubber band. At the dollar store $1.
I found some old Tupperware Ice cream sandwich molds at a local Goodwill for .50 cents - They worked great for my solid sugar scrub soap!
You can also re-purpose some of that plastic packing that comes with the products you buy. I've had especially good results from the vacuum shrink packaging for soaps...